Saturday, December 8, 2012

How an Attorney Can Assist You in the Incorporation Process

These days, there are numerous books and online resources that are intended to help individuals with "do-it-yourself incorporation." While do-it-yourself incorporation may seem like a cost-effective alternative, there are several reasons you should consider enlisting the assistance of a qualified and knowledgeable attorney.

First, while there are numerous resources out there on the incorporation process, it is important to realize that these resources are not a substitute for legal advice. If you need advice on which type of business entity would best suit your business objectives or the various tax benefits associated with each entity, the advice of an experienced attorney can save you a great deal of money in the long run.

Second, while online incorporation services such as,, and seem like a quick and inexpensive way to file incorporation documents, these sites are not a substitute for the personalized service you would receive from an attorney. You may not realize until it is too late that the forms provided by websites are non-customized forms that may not fit your company's specific needs. An attorney, on the other hand, can draft documents tailored to your business objectives by taking the time to get to know you and your business. In addition, an attorney will sit down with you and carefully review your documents prior to filing. This ensures that you will be in compliance with all of the relevant state laws and can save you from a lot of trouble and inconvenience down the road.

The attorneys at Fisher Stark have the knowledge and experience to assist you with all of the decisions regarding the incorporation of your business. We can provide you with advice regarding the best type of business entity for your needs and also assist you with the filing of all required documents necessary for incorporation. Even after your business has successfully incorporated, we will assist you in assuring that your corporate entity complies with all of the relevant rules and requirements under state law.

Third, the services of online incorporation companies usually end with the formation process. An experienced attorney can help ensure that your entity is following all of the necessary legal formalities. An entity that ignores these formalities may lose the benefit of liability protection when it faces a lawsuit. In addition, establishing an ongoing relationship with an attorney may help you down the road should you face other legal issues?

Finally, the costs of do-it-yourself incorporation may be much greater in the long run. Often times, the reason online companies charge low fees is because they do not provide all of the services you need to complete and maintain your corporate entity. There may be additional hidden fees for things like corporate minute books, properly issuing stock, organizational meeting minutes, or applications for EIN numbers. Once you add on all of the necessary services, you may be faced with a much higher number than you originally anticipated which may be even more expensive than if you hired an attorney.

Although hiring an attorney to help you incorporate may cost more than an online incorporation service, the money you spend may be worth the peace of mind in knowing that your corporate entity is following all of the legal requirements, and the shareholders and officers of the corporation are not personally liable.

The attorneys at Fisher Stark are available to assist you with the incorporation of your business. We will take the time to get to know you and your desired objectives so that your business can reach its full potential. We will also make sure your corporate entity is abiding by all of the relevant rules and regulations under North Carolina law. Finally, we will do this in a cost-effective manner by providing services at a reasonable cost. For more information please visit our website at

How a Business Partnership Dispute Can Arise From An Incomplete Partnership Agreement   How a Business Partnership Dispute Can Arise From An Incomplete Partnership Agreement   Partnership Disputes Resolution   Partnership Disputes Resolution   

How a Business Partnership Dispute Can Arise From An Incomplete Partnership Agreement

Most partnerships in business will be governed by a partnership agreement. However problems arise when the agreement is of a poor standard and a partnership dispute comes up.

A business partnership is like many romantic partnerships. It starts great, but after a while cracks may begin to form and a business partnership dispute can arise. This is why it is of paramount importance to have a written agreement in place at the point when the partnership is formed. It may seem awkward to suggest a formal agreement, especially if your business partner is a family member or friend. However, in this situation you must put the awkwardness to one side and create a written agreement that covers all the necessary angles. If you don't have any formal written agreement then you'll partnership is governed by the Partnership Act of 1890- and you may find that, being bound by the Partnership Act, you are lumbered with provisions that you wouldn't have chosen yourself.

A written partners agreement is not legally required, but may save a a large amount of hassle if things turn sour between two partners, and a business partnership dispute arises. If you think you may not have covered all the bases, you can seek legal advice from a specialist business law solicitor in preparing your partners agreement. This will make things easier if the partnership falls apart somewhere down the line. Anyone without previous experience of a business partnership is unlikely to know exactly what needs to be included. Some partners agreements can be very complex, in which case it is highly advisable to seek professional advice from someone who can assist you.

Amongst the useful source provisions that you need to include in a written partners agreement are allocation of profit and loss, what happens if a partner dies, conflict resolution, and many more. You would be surprised at how many people overlook some of the most important aspects when agreeing to the terms of a written partnership agreement, but this can cause significant problems in the future.

Some people think that they are totally covered for every eventuality just by the mere fact that they have a written partnership agreement. However, most people in business know that there are many complexities and changes that can arise with a business, meaning that partners may not see eye-to-eye, or one partner wants to leave. It is vital that all of these aspects are covered. Then, if a business partnership dispute arises, a great deal of time and money will be saved because everything has been clearly defined.

Remember the old saying "Fail to prepare, prepare to fail."

How a Business Partnership Dispute Can Arise From An Incomplete Partnership Agreement   How a Business Partnership Dispute Can Arise From An Incomplete Partnership Agreement   Partnership Disputes Resolution   Partnership Disputes Resolution   

Quick Tips for Choosing New Motorcycle Insurance

After choosing the right motorcycle for you, you should immediately look for new motorcycle insurance in order to keep it safe and secured. Although it is true that insuring motorbikes is more expensive than getting a car insured, you could still do some ways to minimize your premiums while maximizing the amount of coverage you would get. You can make this happen by knowing the right methods for choosing your policy. Here are some quick tips that could assist you in finding policies that best suit your needs and preferences.

Going back to basics

The first thing you should do before getting your motorbike policy is to know the basics of acquiring new motorcycle insurance. Start doing some research about various policies offered by different insurance agencies. Compare the terms and conditions of the different policies offered by such companies, and look at the reputation of the agencies you plan to transact with. You can do this by calling them up, visiting their main offices or browsing their websites.

At this point, a spreadsheet could serve as a tool that could make it easier for you to compare various companies. Create a spreadsheet and add all the necessary data you have collected about the companies you have researched about. Include important information, such as the reputation as well as the additional benefits and discounts that they offer.

Getting free quotes for new motorcycle insurance policies

After learning more about the background of the companies you wish to transact with, you should proceed to getting quotes. Try acquiring some free quotes from their websites in order to make it easier for you to compare their insurance rates. These estimates would reflect the amount of money you would need to spend on insuring your motorcycle. Once you have known how much your preferred motorcycle insurance policies cost, it would become much easier for you to find the cheapest insurance premiums offered by reliable insurance agencies.

Before getting online or offline quotes for your new motorcycle insurance, you should be prepared to answer some of the most important questions of your preferred insurance agency. Expect them to ask you about the age of your bike, the size of its engine and its brand. They might also do some probing about your driving skills and check on your driving records. Since these important factors could greatly affect the price of your insurance premiums, you should be very careful when answering these questions of your insurance agency.

These are the most important things you should know when choosing from different insurance policies. Once you have done these quick and easy tips, finding new motorcycle insurance that is perfect for you will become as easy as pie.

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Benefits of Finding Cheap Motorcycle Insurance Quotes

In this day and age, finding cheap motorcycle insurance quotes should be the topmost priority of every vehicle owner. This is because there are several advantages offered by motorbike insurance that will greatly benefit the drivers in the long run.

We are all aware that motorcycles are considered to be the fastest mode of transportation for people who go to work every day. Aside from the fact that motorcycles can get away from traffic, they can also be used in small alleyways that are short-cut routes to particular destinations. And because more and more people are learning the many benefits of using a motorcycle, it is no wonder that these vehicles flood the streets at an extremely fast rate. The fact that there are several motorcycles in every highway justifies the fact that motorcycle-related accidents cannot be avoided.

Since accidents are things that are completely unexpected, motorcycle accidents can burden the life of a motorcycle owner. One may instantly find himself facing legal claims and auto repairs that are completely out of his financial budget. In order to avoid these things, it is important that vehicle owners find cheap motorcycle insurance quotes that will ensure that they are always in control of even the most unexpected situations.

Cheap motorcycle insurance quotes provide lifeline in the event of a vehicular accident. This may ease the minds of drivers who are suddenly faced with potential vehicle repairs that are completely out of their financial budget. Also, a motorbike insurance rescues the motorcycle owner in cases wherein keys are locked in a car, or whenever flat tires happen in the middle of the highway. The backup for cases such as these, as well as dead-battery and out-of-gas situations, is called roadside assistance, which is very helpful most of the time.

Additionally, cheap motorcycle insurance quotes provide coverage for drivers and passengers who are suddenly faced with these dire situations. For example, there are cases wherein the insured is suddenly struck by a vehicle at a time when he is just walking. The insurance company is the one who will be paying for all medical bills and similar payments. Most motorbike insurance also provide coverage for all damaged vehicles in cases of collisions.

All of these things combine together to prove that cheap motorcycle insurance quotes should not be neglected by every vehicle owner. The insurance policies will give people peace of mind whenever they go out of town or travel to far places.

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Plan Ahead With Motorcycle Insurance

Did you know that according to traffic statistics, if you ride a motorcycle, your chances of getting hurt in an accident are more than 10 times greater than those who face a similar fate in an automobile? If nothing else, this sounds like a perfect reason to make sure you have enough insurance to cover damages to your bike-and to you-when one of those nasty accidents creep up unexpectedly.

Riding a motorcycle can be dangerous; there's really no way around it. Not only are motorcycles difficult to see for other motorists, the helmets worn by motorcyclists offer little protection against bodily injury. Having the proper insurance plan will allow you to enjoy your hobby thoroughly and freely, knowing you're fully protected against mishaps-no matter who's at fault. In this article we will discuss the various options available for motorcycle insurance, but keep in mind that some options are not available in certain states. For detailed information about the options and restrictions in your state contact your local insurance agent.

Motorcycle Insurance: The Basics

Much the same as it is with automobile insurance, the standard motorcycle policy will usually cover the following:

Liability. Liability insurance covers you financially in the event someone else is injured while you're driving your bike. Keep in mind that in certain states you must carry a separate passenger liability policy if you intend to let people ride the bike with you. Collision. If an accident forces you to put your bike down, collision coverage is the part of your policy that will pay for any damages to your bike. Comprehensive. Comprehensive coverage will protect you against non-accident related damages or losses such as theft, vandalism, fire, wind and rain.

Motorcycle Insurance: The Not-So Basics

Although some of the following options may be included with your standard motorcycle insurance policy, there's a much better likelihood that you will need to pay extra to receive this coverage. Be sure to check with your agent about each and every one of these items as you never know when you might need them:

Medical Payments. Medical payment insurance will help pay any medical costs for you or your passenger in the event of an injury. This includes hospital expenses, surgery, x-rays and dental services. Personal Injury Protection. If you become injured as the result of a motorcycle accident, expenses can mount very quickly. Personal injury protection can reimburse you for items such as medical payments, lost income and child care expenses. Be sure to ask your agent up front about personal injury protection coverage, as it is not available in all states. Uninsured Motorist. If you think nothing could be worse than having an accident, think about having an accident with a driver who is uninsured. This type of coverage protects you against this all-too-common fate. Towing. Towing is usually something you have to pay a few dollars extra for, but it may be well worth it in the long-run.

Before you strap that helmet on and fire up your two-wheeled machine, make sure you're taking all the necessary safety precautions, and please, make sure you are adequately insured-a little foresight on your part now just might come in handy someday.

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How to Get a Seasonal Motorcycle Insurance Policy

A seasonal motorcycle insurance plan is a type of insurance that only offers coverage for seasons when you can use your motorcycle. This means that it does not cover seasons like winter, where it is close to impossible to use a motorcycle. The advantage to getting this kind of insurance policy is that you only have to pay limited premiums that cover the motorcycle season. So you do not have to worry about paying for insurance for your motorcycle when you are not even using it.

Getting insurance coverage for your motorcycle is of utmost importance, especially since motorcycle drivers have higher risks of getting involved in road accidents due primarily to their vulnerability compared to those who are driving cars. A motorcycle offers very limited protection to its rider, so it is important to have it insured. However, if you cannot afford to pay the expensive premiums of motorcycle insurance policies, a good alternative would be to get a seasonal motorcycle insurance. Not only is it cheaper, but it also offers coverage when you really need it.

While not all insurance companies offer this kind of motorcycle insurance policy, there are still a good number of them that do. When shopping for a seasonal motorcycle insurance policy, it would be wise to shop around for insurance quotes first. Even if this type of policy is relatively cheaper, you still want to avail of the most affordable deals you can get when shopping for any kind of insurance policy. Take your time to choose and look into as much insurance companies as you can so that you can compare deals and prices. You can talk to a representative to ask them about their available options.

It would also be wise to find out the coverage of the plan; while it has been established that it is seasonal, you would still want to know what the coverage is. Ask for a policy that offers coverage for both theft and accidents. It is wise to always get an insurance policy for a motorcycle that covers theft as well, since motorcycles are easier to steal than cars. Since your insurance is seasonal, make sure to keep it closely guarded during the months that it is not covered. You can never be too safe when it comes to a motorcycle. By getting a seasonal motorcycle insurance plan, you can save a lot on your premiums and still get coverage during times that you really need it.

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Motorhome Insurance - Why Pay More?

If you are perhaps planning a break on the continent, then you may need to upgrade your insurance to include European motorhome insurance cover. While there may be a temptation just to take a chance and venture over the channel without cover, that may turn out to be an expensive decision.

If something should happen to your motorhome while you are abroad then you could find yourself having to get you and your broken down motorhome back home relying solely on the power of your own chequebook or credit card - perhaps not a particularly pleasant prospect.

The good news is that European motorhome cover is not difficult to arrange either as a new policy or as an upgrade to your existing insurance. You may be able to do it yourself online or by a quick phone call to your insurance provider. If you go online you should be able to see at a glance the key features you may need to think about for European motorhome insurance cover.

Obviously, arranging breakdown cover that could include retrieval of your motorhome from Europe may be more expensive than an equivalent rescue mission in the UK. So premiums may be just that little bit higher. You don't have to compromise on cover though to help keep prices down.

You may wish to consider some of the following options:

- your insurer may offer discounts if you are a member of a recognised caravan club; - keeping your annual mileage down (admittedly possibly not so easy on a European trip) may help keep premiums down too; - fitting security and tracking devices; - trying to avoid including younger drivers on your policy;

Getting the appropriate insurance cover for your motorhome may not be the same as getting the cheapest insurance.

You may reasonably expect to have to pay a little bit more for European motorhome insurance than if you were using your motorhome exclusively in the UK. If Europe is where you want to be though, this could possibly be a small price to pay for some new vistas and experiences.

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Motorcycle Rider Insurance: A Must Have For Your Safety

If you are one of those people who think that motorcycle rider insurance is not necessary, let me tell you a few motorcycle crash and accident statistics:

In 2006, when the last update on motorcycle statistics was released, 4,935 motorcycle riders were killed on the road due to accidents. This involves people riding all different kinds of motorcycles, and not just the ones that tend to drive very fast.

Three fourths of these accidents were with other vehicles, most often those with passengers in the vehicle.

Only less than 3% of these accidents were caused by failure of the vehicle, and a simple flat tire caused most of those 3%. Even so, motorcycle rider insurance is still necessary in this situation so that the damages, if any, that will be caused by this incident will be covered by your plan.

Most of these accidents happened on intersections, as those places are where vehicular accidents usually happen in the first place. These accidents are usually when one vehicle violated the right-of-way of the other.

Among all the ages of motorcycle riders, people ages 20-29 have the largest percentage of fatalities. The foremost reason for these accidents was speeding. While the others were not fatalities, it was found that there was severe damage caused to surrounding areas. Being covered by proper motorcycle rider insurance will make sure that all your personal liabilities are covered.

The number of motorcycle fatalities in between 1997 and 2004 rose a dramatic 89%, from 2,116 to 4,008 in only a short span of time. This is also because of the rise of the purchasing of motorcycles that were seen during that time.

72% of motorcycle fatalities among people in the age group of 40-49 involve alcohol. The largest percentage of motorcycle fatalities was found within the class of motorcycle drivers who were above the legal limit of alcohol consumption. One of the reasons that you absolutely need to get motorcycle rider insurance is because of the fact that, while you may be very responsible, other people on the road might not be the same.

There are many more reasons why you should get yourself insurance before you even decide to drive your brand new bike. These statistics alone should convince you that the road is a dangerous and unpredictable place, and while you can try your best to be the best driver you can be, you will not be able to control how other people act on the road. Be safe and make sure to enroll for a motorcycle rider insurance plan as soon as possible.

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Compare Motorcycle Insurance - What You Need To Know

When looking for the best possible insurance coverage for your motorcycle, it is always important to practice wisdom. This is not a difficult task to do regardless if you have been doing so for years or if it is your first time. The key is to compare motorcycle insurance from a number of providers before you begin making a decision. This particular move is practically the wisest of all as it aims to give you a side-by-side look and comparison on what you are potentially getting.

The key to compare motorcycle insurance is first narrowing down your list of potential providers. You can do this either by asking for recommendation from friends and family or by doing your own research. Each provider will be glad to provide you with a quote based on the information that they have gathered from you. The kind of information that they will need would include the make and model of your motorbike, its age and the details of your ownership. Some may immediately provide you a list of policies that you can choose from while others would offer you their recommendations. You can either do this online or by personally paying a visit to any local office. The bottom line is that you would still need to spend some time in collecting potential offers based on their quotations. This will give you better insight on what you will be getting for a specific bracket that includes the payment premium and the guidelines on claims.

For some the most common benefit they see when they compare motorcycle insurance is the monetary savings or value that they will get. In reality, it is more than that. This means that you will not only be looking at the value of the money involved but will be seeing the potential coverage and security that will give you peace of mind. Best of all, you can be assured that you will always be compliant and free from liability from any motoring offense that may arise while on the road.

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Insurance for Motorcyclists

Insurance is absolutely essential for a motorcyclist. Without insurance, a motorcyclist involved in an accident may find him or herself facing medical bills and repair costs that he or she simply cannot afford. The National Highway Traffic Safety Association has reported that per mile traveled, motorcyclist were 37 times more likely to be involved in fatal accidents than passenger car drivers. These numbers are impressive in their magnitude and should not be taken lightly. There is a very real risk in operating a motorcycle and insurance is necessary to give both you and your loved ones assurance that your finances are secure in the event of an accident.

Motorcycles do not offer their operators the same safety as passenger cars because even a minor accident or small maneuver can put an exposed rider in harm's way. For motorcyclists, an insurance policy is a crucial way to ensure that if they are injured or if their property is damaged in an accident, they will have a way to pay for the damages. The threat of an accident is very real for every motorcyclist and therefore every motorcyclist should be insured.

But the reality is that not every motorcyclist is insured, much less licensed to be operating their vehicles. Insurance is also crucial for protecting others against injury or damage caused to them by a motorcyclist. Though motorcyclists are at greater risk for injury in the case of an accident, that does not negate the fact that they too can cause injury or damage in an accident.

But insurance is also crucial for non-accident claims. Motorcycles, especially sportbikes, are targeted for theft and damages while parked or not being operated. Insurance can provide coverage for the expensive investment that a motorcyclist makes when purchasing a motorcycle.

For more information on motorcycle insurance and finding a policy that suits your needs as a motorcycle rider, please visit an auto insurance rate comparison site.

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Bike Insurance: Tips To Getting the Best Quotes Possible

There are a lot of people out there who want to find ways to save money. They might think that they just simply do not have enough money coming in each month to cover all of their expenses. Because of this, they want to find ways to save money. There is nothing wrong with this as cutting back on expenses can be a good thing. However, the insurance for your bike is not one of the things that you can skip out on, unless you are getting rid of the bike all together.

If you plan on keeping the bike, then you have to make sure that it is going to be insured at all times. This is not only so that you remain in line with the law, but so that you are protecting yourself financially. You might not think that you have a lot of money for the premiums for the insurance, but can you really afford to be without it? Would you be able to afford to repair or replace someone else's property that you caused damage to in the event of an accident? If you can, then worries about the price of the insurance for the bike would not even be an issue.

Now, while you want to make sure that you are getting the best deal possible, you do not want to skip out on having the best insurance that you can for the money that you have to spend. Sometimes, having the wrong insurance is just as bad as not having any at all. Because of this, you are really going to have to make sure that you are talking the time to review all of the different insurance options. When you do this, you will be able to find that you can get quality cover for an affordable price. It might not be as good of cover as you have at the moment, but it is certainly better than having none at all.

Once you have a general idea as to which type of cover you want and need for your bike, it is time to start comparing all of the different prices. There are several ways to do this but the best way to do this is to look online. Shopping online for new bike insurance can easily be done from the office or from home. You can shop and compare bike insurance prices any time of the day or night. This means that you do not have to take your entire lunch break to shop for insurance and you do not have to be late for dinner.

When you shop online, you will also find that it will be much easier to compare the different options. You will find that the entire process will not be as confusing as you once thought it was going to be. So, the sooner you get started shopping around for new affordable insurance for your bike, the sooner you will be able to take it easy and save yourself a lot of money.

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Mandatory Motorcycle Insurance

Motorcycle insurance is essential for the financial protection of every motor vehicle driver. Costly injures can occur in an instant in the case of a motorcycle accidents, and an uninsured motorcyclist is left to foot the bill of any medical expenses. Comprehensive motorcycle insurance is an important financial investment, and can save you lots of money in the event of an accident.

In most states, a minimum amount of liability insurance is required by law for all motorists, and this includes motorcycle riders. This type of insurance will cover damages to the other party if they were not at fault. This type of coverage still leaves a motorcyclist who is at fault responsible for covering any damages they caused to themselves. A comprehensive insurance policy is necessary to ensure total coverage no matter who was at fault.

A comprehensive motorcycle insurance policy will provide a motorcyclist with a great deal of confidence that they will not be financially ruined in a variety of situations. This is not a license to drive recklessly but a reassurance that accidents may be less damaging than they could be. The pain of losing a favorite motorcycle to a bad accident is greatly reduced when you have assurance that your damage will be provided for.

Finding the right balance of cost and coverage can be a challenge. Finding an experienced insurance agent that you can trust is crucial to striking that balance. Motorcycle insurance is essential and an important consideration for anyone who rides a motorcycle or is considering riding a motorcycle.

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Choose Your Caravan Insurance Carefully

One of the first requirements that are needed when looking for caravan insurance is the type of insurance needed. Providers typically offer touring, static and park home insurance with each offering various forms of insurance depending on the type.

There are of course certain things that are covered in all types of caravan insurance along with specific benefits. Here are some of the many things that you may wish to check are included in your caravan insurance policy.

Contents protection - this is essential no matter whether you own a static or a touring caravan. However if it is a touring caravan you have then you may be at a bigger risk of theft of belongings as you are moving your caravan from site to site. You should ensure that your personal belongings are covered in the policy and this may include any money you take with you on holiday. Also take into account electrical equipment in a static caravan as it is not uncommon to have such things as flat screen TVs and electrical equipment you would have in any home. Protection for awnings - your awning is a very costly part of your caravan and it can cost an arm and a leg to replace or repair if it is damaged. Awnings are typically covered in caravan insurance but usually only up to so much and there are generally limits and exclusions. For instance you might not be able to claim for a damaged awning if it was damaged during a storm and you left it up while you were out of the caravan. Insurance for the shell of your caravan - you might want to find out if the shell of your caravan is protected against damage by vandalism or storm. Repairs to the shell or windows of the caravan could be very expensive if it all has to come out of your pocket if a claim is made. Take notice of how much the excess is on the insurance policy. Excess is the sum you have to put your hand in your pocket to pay if you have to claim. Once you have paid the excess the provider takes over the rest of the claim. This amount could be different based on providers and you could pay more excess to keep down the cost of insurance.

As you can see from the above there are many things that you need to consider when looking to take out caravan insurance. There are always exclusions which are the things that you cannot claim for and these should be checked before rushing into taking out any policy. Insurance providers may insist that you play the part of a responsible caravan owner so check what you need to do or your policy might not payout. For instance if you have a touring caravan you usually need to install security measures such as a wheel clamp and a hitchlock. Of course these bring peace of mind that your caravan is not easy to tow away by a thief.

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Why You Need Caravan Insurance

Most of the people think that vehicle insurance policy is just like gambling, most of the times they end up not even claiming insurance once. Well for me, an insurance policy is more than financial return, it is a gate way to peace of mind. I personally do not like to sit and ask questions like "what if?" what if there is an accident?, what if my vehicle is stolen? What if somebody sues me because of damage caused by vehicle? If you think like me and you are looking to sit back and enjoy riding your vehicle then you have come to the right place. In this article I am going to talk about Caravan insurance.

A caravan is basically a trailer which is usually towed by a car or other road vehicle. It is used to sleep, however, modern day caravans offer you more than sleeping place, they have a small bathroom where you can take a shower and clean yourself, and some large trailers also have a small kitchen for cooking. Basically a caravan acts like a home on a long journey. The history of caravan can be traced to the gypsy people. They were the first to actually use horse driven caravans when they used to move from one place to other. This concept was adopted by automobile builders and provided to the general public in the form of luxury and semi luxury camping trailers. Owning a very own caravan is probably the best investment that you could ever make. This allows you and your family to go on a long vacation without having to worry about the large hotel bills or a place to stay. However, if you want to protect your caravan then you need to consider buying good caravan insurance.

Caravan insurance is very similar to any automobile insurance. It basically provides you with the financial cover for your investment if it were to be damaged or be stolen. Like any automobile insurance caravan insurance does come with a huge premium. In order to truly get a good quote on your caravan insurance policy you need to consider the following points.

• First you need to show to the insurance companies that your trailer is parked in a safe location like a garage or caravan parking space while not in use. This will attract a low quote on anti theft insurance policy.

• Second the person who drives the vehicle which tows the caravan should have a clean driving record. This allows you to get a good quote on your accident or physical damage caravan insurance policy.

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Motorhome Conversion Insurance

If you are in the process of converting a van or similar vehicle into a motorhome then you may be wondering how to go about getting motorhome conversion insurance.

Finding someone who offers this type of cover may not be as straightforward as you might suppose, as there are some providers who prefer to stick exclusively to factory built and fitted motorhomes.

They may be very wary of insuring conversions, feeling that there may typically be too many risks involved.

Not everyone has this view though and there are a number of companies now offering motorhome conversion insurance.

A couple of general points to note:

- not all companies who are happy to insure conversions will provide cover for American vehicles, so it may be best to check this out at the start if your chosen model is from the USA; - you may have to wait until your conversion work is finished before arranging insurance cover as it may be difficult to find anyone willing to cover your conversion while it is still under way.

Before you start work

Obviously once finished, your motorhome has to be recognisably and legally a motorhome. For some insurers this may mean it should have a configuration providing;

- a certain internal configuration of seating areas and bed space; - facilities available for washing and cooking; - storage space for clothes and belongings.

Taking this into account for your alteration specifications may make finding motorhome conversion insurance much easier later on.

Once it is done

Once you have finished you may have certain responsibilities to re-register your vehicle as a motorhome.

In the UK there are different rules and regulations for motorhomes than for say a van (if that was your pre-conversion vehicle) speed limits and the class of MOT required are only a couple of examples.

So there may well be issues:

- legally if you try and drive your new motorhome if it is still officially registered as a van; - from an insurance point of view your motorhome conversion has very different insurance requirements to that of a van so driving your conversion with van insurance may not be advisable as the cover may be invalid; - you may have spent a considerable amount of money on your conversion, which may increase dramatically the insurance value of the vehicle.

While motorhome conversion insurance is not something all insurance providers are happy to supply, it is available out there and may not be as expensive as your pre-conversion cover.

Cheapest Motorcycle Insurance Rates Online   Cheapest Insurance for Motorcycles Online   Motorcycle Insurance Rates: How to Minimize Your Insurance Costs   Motorcycle Insurance - Life on a Bike   Can You Find Cheap Auto Insurance Online for Motorcycles?   

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